America's Founders and Founding Principles

Support Founders Corner

Founders corner is funded entirely by the private efforts of David McKalip M.D..  Dr. McKalip looks forward to Founders Corner being a fixture in the city for years.  Founders Corner Could use your support to make that dream happen.  The expenses will include property taxes for the lot, electricity for the flags and basic maintenance of the grounds. We hope to add more features in the future as funds are available.

How can you help?

Become a sponsor of Founders Corner. Be listed on our website, receive a brick and have your name placed on another "sponsors monument" to be placed by Spring of 2012. You will become part of "Founders Circle" and help create additions such as future monuments, more people and ideas to honor and ways to spread the word.

Buy a poster.  Founders corner monuments will be turned into posters so you can enjoy these images and quotes at your home or office. They make a great gift!  More information coming soon on posters.